Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's the point

If this is an Internet Marketing blog what is the point of all the discussion regarding automated (shopping cart) and offline (sales people) transactions? 

The point is to have a profitable Internet Marketing strategy one must start the process of designing the system by looking at the buying process from the customer's perspective.  I think a considerable amount of time should be spent examining the traditional sales process with an eye on how this can be augmented with online marketing tools.  Chances are there are important and perhaps unchangeable reasons the sales process is what it is in your business.  Things in business and life evolve for good reason and the reason is usually survival.  People do what works because it allows them to keep on going. I am not saying don't change things but don't lose sight of the things that make you successful.

When designing and implementing your online market strategy I strongly suggest you operate from a mindset of respect for the key factors that govern your sales process.  The internet is just a tool you can use to bring more people to your door.  In many cases it will not fundamentally change how or why people buy your product or service.  If you are a car dealer and 95% of your customers test drive the car before they buy your online marketing program is not going to change that much.  Your prospects may be more knowledgeable when they arrive at your dealership but they will still want a test drive their dream car before they buy.  Your online marketing program will bring you more prospects so be ready to do more of the things that bring the sale to a final close.

The fact is, pretty much anyone can build a website, buy Google ads, create landing pages, drive conversions and generate leads.  Very few people take the time to fully understand the dynamics of the buying process and make this a key factor in their Internet Marketing program.  This is the key element.  Start with your customer and work backwards and you will create a great success with your online investment. 

Thanks for reading.

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